Nature’s Remedy Eczema & Psoriasis Cream 120ml


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Another long standing product, our eczema and psoriasis cream is helpful with common skin complaints and has been proven to be especially beneficial for those suffering from eczema, dermatitis and also psoriasis. Yarrow has been used for years to soothe skin problems and comes highly recommended by herbalists, we also add borage oil (starflower oil) which is high in natural G.L.A’s (gamma linolenic acids) to re-hydrate the skin, together with lavender, Roman chamomile and bergamot essential oils to soothe and ease inflammation, skin eruptions, itching and dry, sensitive skin. This is another of our creams with a huge following, especially amongst eczema sufferers, and we recommend it as a very useful cream for over 5 year olds.

For under 5’s we suggest our Lavender & Chamomile cream.